Sunday, 1 February 2009

GETTING EVEN : Revenge Stories

Title: GETTING EVEN : Revenge Stories
Edited by: Mitzi Szereto
Genre: Fiction / Anthology
Publication Date: Serpent's Tail (11 Oct 2007)
Book Length: 256
Price: £6.99
ISBN-10: 1852429615
ISBN-13: 978-1852429614
Delightful Rating:

A handful of these short and bitter sweet revenge stories simply entertain, a few are enlightening and there are those where the spurned heroines have much to be smug about. What is certain is that one will find, from the varyingly vengeful accounts, stirred-up by an impressive set of contributing authors, a tale to relate to, suiting the palate.

Mitzi Szereto has a cooked up tale of her own in, ‘Hell Is Where The Heart Is’, which had me laughing at as well as livid with the pathetic character. I loved it. Look out for it. Contrastingly, although an enjoyably light read, slightly lacking in a jolting impact is,‘Wig’, by Tara Ison, her victim’s reaction to betrayal seemed to have very little affect on her tough being. ’Esprit de Corpse’, by Jean Lamb has threatening ingredients that could quite easily leave one stiffly shivering to its bitingly cold and chilling end.

Getting Even : Revenge Stories serves as a good variety of reads. Attempt to read in the mornings on the way to work and you’ll be wide awake by the time you arrive at your destination.

Delightfully Reviewed by Delores Airey

To visit Mitzi Szereto, please click the link below.

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